Changes by Edition

Fifth Edition (2021)

With the fifth edition, the Eastminster Critical Edition of the Clear Recital is joined by two additional volumes original Madrian texts to form a larger ‘Eastminster Library’. These present an opera omnia (complete works) of Lux Madriana and Ekklesia/Rosa Madriana, bringing together in one collection all texts from these orders known to have survived. Each text is presented in a critical edition based on all known witnesses in order to provide each work in its fullest, most mature version. The editorial principles governing this preparation are expounded in detail on pp. 101–6 of the newly revised apparatus (see below).

Changes to what is now volume one include:

  • Layout, design, and typography have been substantially revised to simultaneously provide a more legible and more compact presentation. This includes reformatting to a 6″ x 9″ trim size, enabling the production of hardcover copies.
  • The entire volume has been expanded with new illustrations and photographs taken from original Madrian sources.
  • Appendix B, formerly designated as ‘A Book of Hours’ has been more accurately renamed ‘A Typikon’.
  • New material has been added in several locations:
    • The ‘Before reading the book…’ introduction distributed to students by Rosa Madriana has been added to the front matter.
    • Madria Olga’s ‘Procedures for Devotions’, which had appeared in the fourth edition, has been substituted for her ‘Making Daily Devotions’. ‘Procedures for Devotions’ is now available in the second volume of the Library.
    • Madria Olga’s instructions for ‘Blessing Food and Drink’ have been added, and notes relating to meal graces have been updated to reflect this.
    • The ‘Blessed Is Our Mother God’ prayer has been added to ‘Other Prayers’ in Appendix B.
  • Annotations have been enriched in multiple places throughout appendix B:
    • Additional information on Madrian dietary practices from Sr Sophia Ruth has been added to a footnote on meal blessings.
    • A footnote has been added to the Chant section providing details on the Madrian use of glass chanting-beads.
    • The footnote to the Communion Rite has been expanded by additional details on the role of music in Madrian ritual.
    • Entries in the Coming Season for the Day of Sai Werde and Maia’s Day have been updated with new notes based on the ‘Calendar of Our Lady’s Ekklesia on Earth’.
    • A note on the history of Lady Day has been added.
    • The section on Nativity has been expanded with a footnote detailing the Madrian rite for naming the Nativity fir.
    • Information from Sr Sophia Ruth has been added to footnotes on Nativity Eve and Nativity practices.
    • Instructions given by Carol Llewellyn for the Nativity Eve candle lighting ritual have been added to the footnote for that day in The Coming Season.
  • The Scriptural text has been updated to include:
    • Minor formatting changes to Mythos 2:15 and 31.
    • Corrected capitalization in Teachings 4:32.
    • Substantive changes to Teachings 9:15, 12:5, and 14:1.
    • A scriptural quotation found in TCA 19:10 has been added to Fragments as Fragment 7. The previous Fragment 7 has been renumbered to 8.
  • Appendix C has been revised in light of further research into the origins of Lux Madriana.
  • An error which had listed Werde as the Rosary Month has been corrected. This designation is now correctly assigned to Vois. Various typographical errors from the fourth edition have been corrected throughout the text as well.

Changes to the apparatus include:

  • Content in both the ‘Critical Methods’ and ‘Variorum’ sections has been expanded to address volumes two and three of the Eastminster Library.
  • A complete bibliography of all known Madrian works, as well as journalistic and other non-Madrian sources pertaining to Madrianism, has been added. Appended to this bibliography is a listing of known public library and archival holdings of original Madrian materials. (In conjunction with a fuller system of footnoting throughout the apparatus, this replaces the fourth edition’s ‘Works Cited’ section.)
  • A new ‘Appendix A’, has been added, providing a history of the Madrian orders in greater detail and with more fulsome citation of sources than the ‘Brief History of Filianism’, still appearing (in revised form) as appendix C of the first volume.
  • A new ‘Appendix B’ provides the text of the interviews published by Miss Suraline.
  • A new ‘Appendix C’ houses original badge designs published by Lux Madriana.
  • A list of abbreviations has been added to the beginning of the volume for the reader’s convenience.
  • Discussions of variants pertaining to the primordial colour, male references in the Scriptural text, names and titles, and the ‘things of clay’ passages, all formerly contained within discussion of the AAV as a textual witness, have been moved to the main section on ‘Selections & Emendations’ in order to increase their visibility.
  • Evidence of originality of the ‘Culverine’ month name, drawn from Sr Sophia Ruth’s archival records and the ‘Calendar of Our Lady’s Ekklesia’, has been added to the discussion of Janyatic names.
  • The apparatus has been made available for print order.

Fourth Edition (2019)

The fourth edition represents the largest overhaul of the ECE since its original publication. For the first time, all original Madrian documents known to have survived to the present have been directly consulted and collated in its preparation, providing a far fuller picture of Madrian conventions, usages, and transmission than has hitherto been available.

Major changes likely to interest all readers include:

  • Previous appendices B, C, and D (the contents of which are available in the archives and are planned for inclusion in an upcoming supplemental volume of original Madrian writings) have been eliminated and replaced with a new Appendix B and a new Appendix C. The new Appendix B offers a critical edition of all known liturgical materials used by the Madrian orders (1976–2008), drawing formerly scattered prayers, hymns, rituals, chants, and related writings into a single, collated reference work. The new Appendix C synthesizes the results of much of the intensive research behind the ECE’s preparation into a ‘brief history’ of Filianism to permit new readers a quick orientation to the likely origins and reception history of the Clear Recital and its accompanying liturgy.
  • The text of the Clear Recital has been formatted in single-column with indented paragraph breaks, in addition to being illustrated with artwork from The Coming Age.
  • The clews of the Teachings have been reorganized in keeping with new manuscript evidence (labeled KM in the Apparatus) for their traditional order. Details may be found in the apparatus §1.2. For the reader’s convenience, all prior verse numbering and other section designations have been revised in accordance with the new system throughout the Apparatus and notes, including in prior summaries of changes by edition.
  • Following the same witness, the clew previously titled ‘Cry Marya!’ has been restored to what now appears to have been its first title, ‘The Single Truth’.
  • Use of the term ‘the Goddess’ has been eliminated in favour of ‘Dea’, in keeping with a fuller accounting of the evidence from Madrian sources as detailed in the apparatus on pp. 96–102.
  • Use of the masculine pronoun in reference to the Snake and the mind (Creation 2:1–2, 6, 8, 14–15; 3:8; Teachings 3:11, 58–9, 61–3), as well as references to males in the Obediences (Teachings 8:32), which had been eliminated in the second edition, have been restored following consideration of the arguments regarding their originality in the context of fuller access to the broader Madrian literature (see the apparatus, pp. 85–8).
  • The verse formerly included as Fragment 4 has been removed following the discovery by Sr Sophia Ruth that extra-Scriptural Madrian literature quoted it from Olivia Robertson’s Oracle of Nuit and not from an original Madrian source. The numbering of other fragments has been adjusted accordingly.
  • The expanded critical apparatus has been separated into a distinct volume.

Changes of interest to specialists include:

  • The apparatus’s discussion of source materials and transmission history has been completely rewritten in light of new evidentiary sources, most especially a manuscript copy of much of the text of the Clear Recital purported to be in the hand of the late Madria Olga Lotar (labeled JME in the apparatus). This has resulted in reorganization and re-labeling of the stemmæ for the Clear Recital.
  • Collation of this and other new sources has led to the identification of additional variants, resulting in minor alteration to:
    • word order in Mythos 2:3 and Teachings 14:3,
    • formatting in Mythos 2:15 and 31,
    • punctuation in Mythos 6:3; Tablet 24; Teachings 2:8, 19; 3:1; 4:43; 5:12, 14; 6:15; 7:13; 8:48–9, 58; 9:16; 12:2, 22; 15:7,
    • capitalization in Mythos 2:11, 15; 5:4, 9, 11; 6:16; 7:5, 20; Teachings 3:26, 36–44; 10:25; 12:2–4, 6, 8–10; 10:25; 15:10,
    • spelling in Teachings 8:36,
    • paragraph breaking between Creation 3:2–3; Mythos 7:4–5; Teachings 4:27–8; 11:2–3,
    • verse numbering in Mythos 6:11–13, Teachings 14:10–13,
    • minor changes in wording in Mythos 3:16; Tablet 32, 36; Teachings 1:19, 20, 33, 39; 46–7; 2:3; 3:7, 64–5; 4:23, 42; 5:13; 8:6, 22, 54, 59; 9:7, 17, 32; 10:25; 12:7; 14:4, 8; 15:4; 16:9,
    • significant changes to wording (such as have the potential to affect the meaning of a verse) in Mythos 3:5; Teachings 2:5; 7:5; 8:38; 10:2; and 12:5.
  • Additional evidence has been presented from the pages of TCA in support of the points raised in the apparatus, §2.2.3.

Justification of all changes can be found in the relevant sections of the apparatus.

Third Edition (2017)

Changes to the critical text in this edition are few (as described below) but the critical apparatus has been completely rewritten, reorganized, and reformatted. Many of these changes respond to feedback gained from more widespread use of this volume and the desire to make its contents clearer, easier to locate, and more readily referenceable. Other changes, however, result from the opportunities the editor has had to consult a much wider range of original Madrian literature than was available at the time of the second edition’s release. This study has shed a great deal of light on the Scriptural text’s likely origins, in turn informing understanding of its transmission history and best practices in editorial interpretation. With this edition, owing to the aforementioned clarifications, ‘Filianism’ replaces ‘Déanism’ as the preferred term for the body of religious teaching derived from Lux Madriana and its successors, with ‘Déanism’ being retained only where it carries its original, technical meaning of simple unitarian devotion to God as Mother.

Thanks to the efforts of Jules Morrison, it has also now been possible to illustrate the text from original Madrian artwork published in The Coming Age, replacing the more generic images formerly used in the page layout. The editor considers it a great privilege to be able to bring this Madrian iconography to greater attention and to invest the volume artistically, as it has already been textually, with the heritage of the faith community that has treasured the Clear Recital.

Changes to the text of the Recital are as follows:

  • the title of the Crystal Tablet has been restored to its original Madrian form;
  • evidence from TCA has permitted improvement to the critical text of Teachings 12:12–15, including restoration of a previously questioned phrase;
  • new evidence from the MLC has prompted minor revision to the wordings of Teachings 6:1, 6; 8:33; and 12:23;
  • five previously unknown verses quoted in Madrian publications have been added to Appendix A, where stylistic and thematic considerations suggestive of a common origin to some verses have prompted reordering of the contents.

An additional witness to Tablet 26–9, discovered by Sr Sophia Ruth, has been added to the listing of known Madrian sources (apparatus §1.2) and fully collated. This results in no changes to the critical text but, in tandem with additional issues of TCA that have been made available, adds evidence to arguments presented in the apparatus, §2.2.3, which has been amended accordingly. Further Madrian Literature Circle documents have provided important evidence to the arguments presented in the apparatus, §2.2.3, §2.2.5, §2.2.6, and §2.2.7, which have been amended accordingly.

‘The Bitter Withy,’ a verse folktale describing an event in the childhood of Inanna, has been added to the appendices as Appendix D.

Links in the ‘Further Reading’ list have been updated.

Second Edition (2017)

Since the publication of the first edition, a number of individuals have come forward to offer further information and documentary sources in support of this project. The editor has been deeply grateful to all those who have taken the time and trouble thus to support Scriptural research. Their contributions, and the resulting changes to the text, are detailed below.

Ms Sarah Morrigan, editor of the New Celestial Union Version, kindly responded to several inquiries regarding the sources and methods used in compiling her text. This information, which also shed light on the origin and contents of the Moessner Manuscript, has been used to substantially revise apparatus §1, with concomitant changes to §3 and §4. No changes to the critical text itself result from this.

Mr David Kay and Dr Glenys Livingstone both provided a substantial number of additional Madrian texts for collation. New evidence from these has prompted substantial revisions to the model of textual origin presented in the apparatus, §1a. There have also been minor changes to the wordings of Mythos 3:12, 21; 6:1, 6; 7:16; Teachings 6:1; 12:5, as well as changes to punctuation and capitalization in Mythos 2:32, 4:2, and 6:16, and capitalization throughout Teachings 12. Fragment 3, newly discovered in these texts, has been added. The variorum (§4) has been updated to reflect these changes and new variants witnessed, and the statistical analysis in the apparatus, §3.1, has been updated as well.

Also discovered in the new Madrian documents were references to non-canonical stories not contained in available texts, which have been aggregated into the new ‘Appendix C: Witnesses to Lost Texts’.

In addition to furnishing new documents, Mr Kay was also kind enough to share his more recent thinking on the question of the authenticity of the Foolish Maiden (Teachings 15). Apparatus §1d has been revised to reflect this.

New Web content posted by the Daughters of Shining Harmony has offered additional insight into the redaction history of the AAV, prompting restoration of the name ‘Inanna’ in Teachings 4:1.

All instances of ‘his’ in reference to the Snake and to the mind have been changed to ‘its’, in accordance with the variants found in the AAV. Apparatus §3.2g has been amended with a discussion of the reasons for this decision.

Various typographical errors found in the apparatus have been corrected and, lastly, the Digital Archives for Filianic Studies has been added to the ‘Further Reading’ list.